Sunday, January 11, 2009

: Christmas time

Christmas & Dad - 09, originally uploaded by Parris Studios:.

It is a Christmas schmorgizborg (no idea how to spell that) post, Charlie, family & friends... So the following are from Christmas Eve on through... family & friends, the absolute best part of the holidays!

Of course, we had to go see Santa, and this year, we went along with our friend the King's. Josh did awesome...

Christmas & Dad - 02

Christmas & Dad - 03

And then there was Charlie...

Christmas & Dad - 05

Prior to actually being there, she was all jazzed and pointing, happy and eager to get there. Then we get there and it's a complete 180! You'll notice the candy cane in her hand... didn't help at all, but she enjoyed the heck out of it!

My girls... I am ridiculously lucky!!

Christmas & Dad - 06

Now my turn

Christmas & Dad - 07

Our girl & Grandpa Burnham

Christmas & Dad - 11

This is a very common occurence with Grandpa Burnham, ever since I first started dating my beautiful wife 13 years ago... hehe, she denies it's been that long... yup, we're going on 14 years dating

Christmas & Dad - 13

The Burnham family (well, Burnham prior to becoming the Young, Bateman & Hughes family, but you know what I mean)

Christmas & Dad - 15

Have to give Grandma Burnham love too!

Christmas & Dad - 12

And our GiGi - absolutely hilarious!!

Christmas & Dad - 14

To my family (all of you!!), we love you!!

Christmas & Dad - 08


sandie jo salisbury said...

Charlie is so big! and so cute!!!!! I love her! You are all too cute! So glad to see you had a great holiday.

Sarah said...

I love the santa picture... oh and sir, please fix your hair!