Thursday, September 2, 2010

: Mr. & Mrs. Neil & Katie La Porte

Neil & Katie Blog 009, originally uploaded by Parris Studios:.
This is my Niece. For those of you following along at home, that's my brother's daughter, so needless to say, this was a special day for me and my family (and Neil's family :D).

The day was gorgeous, venue, weather, details, and of course, the people! I love weddings, but a wedding that involves my family is beyond special, and now, my family. Katie, we love you & are so proud of you, you are a beautiful bride! Neil, welcome to the family, and just so you don't think I left you out, you make a handsome groom :D

Let's do this

Neil & Katie Blog 001
Neil & Katie Blog 002 Neil & Katie Blog 003
Neil & Katie Blog 004
Neil & Katie Blog 005
Neil & Katie Blog 006
Neil & Katie Blog 007
Neil & Katie Blog 008
Neil & Katie Blog 009
Neil & Katie Blog 010
Favorite, love these guys!!!
Neil & Katie Blog 011
Neil & Katie Blog 012
Neil & Katie Blog 013
my family, love 'em!
Neil & Katie Blog 014
More family, more love
Neil & Katie Blog 015
My nephew - Charlie. He's the man, he cracks me up and that's been since he was a lil' guy.
Neil & Katie Blog 016
End of the night, well done party people, well done indeed!
Neil & Katie Blog 017