Friday, March 7, 2008

: A few hours in

Charlie's monitor, originally uploaded by Parris Studios:.
We're a few hours in to Daddy / Daughter weekend, and so far the count is...

1 - Diaper change
2 - bottles taken
3 - spit ups (mostly on me, she's good)
1 - nap... which she's currently doing. It's good, I'm just hoping she naps a little longer...

Next up, a trip to Home Depot for an item to be installed by Sunday afternoon, hang with the guys at another abode, maybe a little rockband / GHIII...

I'm rockin' Mute Math's "Typical" right now, good stuff! I'm a little late on this one, but I'm diggin' it.

Aloha to all, NNF & your mom... for the peeps, sorry :)



Sarah said...

HA!!! NNF and your mom... amazing! Much appreciated!