Here is the amazing couple of Katie & Wes, who I have the great honor of shooting their wedding in June! Holla! They were down here for their official engagement session with Jeff Youngren, and they did an absolutely wonderful job, be sure to check out the blog and type in "Katie Wes" in the search feature - which is wicked awesome by the way!
But they came over to meet me in person and I was so excited to show them McClain's, a great little coffee house in Fullerton and just get to know them! It was just a short time with them as they were on their way back up to Northern Cal, where I'll be going in June - soooo excited!
Anyways, as it turns out, it was Super Bowl Sunday and as luck would have it, McClains which is normally open in the mornings, didn't open until 6:30 that night... so the picture above is us walking down to the Starbucks to sit and talk...

It was perfect outside, just perfect!

Discussing how the layout of the reception, which is going to be awesome...

I feel honored to shoot the wedding and I really can't wait - there are going to be some sweet tattoo shots for sure!! Katie & Wes, can't wait to see you soon!! Until then - aloha all! We'll be in Monterey, I'll try blogging from my phone, see how that goes...
SO jealous of you! I soooo wish we could get to hang out with these two on their wedding day - they are some pretty amazing people!!
Will, job well done my friend! I love 'em! I am way excited for you to shoot the wedding! ITS SO CLOSE!!!
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