Charlie - Fair - 2, originally uploaded by Parris Studios:.
Orange County, CA
On the weekend of Charlie's 1st birthday party (pics coming soon), we took Charlie and both our families to the OC fair for some fried goodness and good ol fashion fun. It was a blast eating fried cupcakes (really disappointing), fried pop tarts, Krispy Kreme Jelly Doughnut chicken sandwich, fried white castle burger... I think that's it for fried foods, oh yeah and the best of all, fried Snickers - sooo good!
Charlie was not a fan of the pigs, you'll be able to see the pic where she freaked out at the sight of a gigantor pig, she was not a fan at all!!
It was a blast though just to have both of our parents there and just be the Parris/Young family again (minus Lis, Scott & Grant, but they were missed!!)
ding ding
Sheep was the favorite
So cute!
Finally, at the end of the night - all worn out - phew!
Where's the promised pig pic?
Fun stuff!
The last shot is my favorite!! These are so much fun!!
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