Wednesday, October 21, 2009

: My Charlie

Charlie 004, originally uploaded by Parris Studios:.


While I'm waiting for pictures to export / open up from the wedding I'm about to post, I had a few pictures that were taken of my baby girl when I got home. It was finally cloudy out, and Charlie was aching to go outside. So I put on some music (John Mayer's album, Continuum) in the office and we went outside to play around with "ollie pollie's" and of course, her little Princess umbrella. It was a wonderful day!

Owen & Jenny are coming up soon...

More of my little sunshine after the jump...

My little, shaggy haired, crazy like her dad, model :)
Charlie 001

Charlie 002

Charlie 003

I love you little Princess


Danielle said...

I love love love love the black and white one.