WratherFam 010, originally uploaded by Parris Studios:.
I'd like you to meet Stephanie & Rich and the newest addition to the fam, Adam. Such a fun shoot on an absolutely beautiful day, some clouds, but great light and a fun shoot at Hillcrest. There is going to be a series of shoots with the little man coming up, which is going to be a blast! He has such awesome blue eyes! Gap, take note people, this little man could totally be your next baby in all the ads :D And now - the Wrather family!
Adam's Outfit is so rad!

Lovin the little man's smile!

Both Rich & Stephanie are absolutely hilarious, but Adam likes to go for the somewhat serious look for the camera. we'll see what we can do about that :D

Little stud rockin' the Ralph Lauren shoes. Seriously, dapper lil' man!

So awesome!

And the last hat change (a man after my own heart)

A - Door - Uble!

we're just chattin

love these next three

Mahalo to you Rich & Stephanie, you're amazing people and have a wonderful baby boy!
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