This was her first run at rice cereal, and man does she love it! She had a pretty hard time with it at first, but then got the hang of it - no problem! Now she's taken to opening her mouth wide and doing the "Ahhh" along with us. This kid, too cute and a pistol at the ripe old age of 8 months... we're in sooooo much trouble!
The little one helping us with the spoon...

Bring it Dad, I wants me some cereal pronto...

Why must you do the camera thing now, feed me!

Hello my favorite little duck friend... don't even think about it!

One of my favorites, this is so my daughter! She appears to be trying to use the Force to bring the slinky closer to her. She rocks!

And it looks like she succeeded! It was a hoot watching her play with this! And yes, I said hoot... trying to bring it back :)

I seriously laughed out loud at the slinky picture where she's using the "force" to bring it closer to her! Hilarious!
"slinky come to me you will" she is thinking.
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