Wednesday, January 7, 2009

: Charlie & friends...

Disneyland ii - 5, originally uploaded by Parris Studios:.

Well, really it's Charlie, Amy, a branch & a tree... but all those are Charlie's friends :)

And sad news from the gaming community - EGM will no longer be published after their January issue... I've subscribed to this magazine for years. Great magazine and I'm sad to see it go... Now begins the search for another gaming magazine that covers all platforms, is funny and in line with my gaming taste. Yeah, no problem...

I have more family pics from Christmas time to come, we had almost our entire family here (missed you Aud!!) - which was awesome! More of those to come, but for now...

Branch, meet the world
Disneyland ii - 1

Our girl, so stinkin' cute...
Disneyland ii - 6

I absolutely love this face...
Disneyland ii - 5

And this face... love her hair, you should see it in the mornings, so magical!
Disneyland ii - 4

Love the tree and clouds at DCA
Disneyland ii - 2

This is our friend Amy, she's uber chic and if you want some good reading on fashion and all around chic-ness, check out her blog!
Disneyland ii - 3


~lady j said...

wow, your daughter is RIDICULOUSLY adorable. :)