Saturday, April 11, 2009

: Mother's Day 2009 & Random

scXFQm, originally uploaded by Parris Studios:.

Aloha party people! I wanted to give you some information on a Mother's Day shoot I'm planning for next week, 04/18 (Saturday).

Here's the plan -
: 1 hour session
: park setting so kids (big & small) can play around, have fun and enjoy outside
: shoot amazing pictures
: delivery of a disc with your pictures on it in two weeks
: feel free to give and / or receive awesome family pics for Mother's Day

The cost for this fun is $200, a 20% discount! It will be a wonderful day, currently it is set to be 72 degrees and partly cloudy with 100% chance of fun! Space is limited to five, although depending on the schedule, I might add a spot or two. Let's plan on starting at 10am @ Tri City park and boogie oogie oogie till we just can't boogie no more.

If you're interested, please email me will::at::parris-studios::dot::com. Since it's first come, first serve, send a listing of times desired so we can schedule accordingly.

I wanted to post a few pics though too... The one above is of Kyle & the guys from this last weekend - they were & are amazing! Boo to the Ya!

Same wedding, although here my Brother In Law is being attacked by a piece of 70's swimmer wall art. Totally unprovoked! Grant is tough though, swimmer never stood a chance, the hip check was bruuuutal :)


And of course - Soundwave Mighty Mugg! There might be a Boba Fett & Darth Vader Mighty Mugg around my office too... I won't lie - they rock! They're "made from 100% recycled awesome", true story, says so on the box.

Random - 2


Sarah said...

We would love to... as long as Jude isn't working on the 18th. I'll let you know as we know for sure :)

Will Parris said...

Sounds perfect! Let me know and we'll get you in :)